Centre francophone de Toronto Volunteer Campaign
The Centre francophone de Toronto is a non-profit organization that serves, first and foremost, as the main entry point for Francophones who live or plan to settle in Toronto. The Centre helps promote the well-being of the Francophone community, and has developed a community-based and multidisciplinary approach. It offers a range of services to meet the needs of all Francophones in the GTA.
This campaign was created to both celebrate the Centre's existing volunteers and attract new ones. Central to this concept is the idea that we are all capable of being volunteers, as we inherently have what it takes to engage with and help others. The key tagline states "fait(e) pour... le programme bénévolat", which translates to "made for... the volunteer program", and the accompanying illustrations and text highlight how different parts of the body embody characteristics that make each individual well suited to volunteering.
creative direction